
Using her natural instinctive talent, Shumei specialises in helping her clients to identify their unconscious patterns and belief systems. Each of her clients receives customised healing aimed to help them feel empowered through a better understanding of themselves. Subsequently, they can move forward in their lives with the clarity to make competent choices for their careers and relationship issues based on their newfound wisdom.

拥有着与生俱来的知见才华的 Shumei 常常运用这个能力来为她的个案找出他们无意识里隐藏的信念系统。她细心亲切的为每一个个案打造出最适合他们的疗愈方式来让他们更了解自己和找出他们潜在的能力和力量。因此,他们就能在关系和事业上做出更充满智慧的选择和决定。
Shumei is a certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner who graduated from 17 courses and is also currently taking her Master of Counselling from the Singapore University of Social Sciences. She hopes to infuse her innate healing abilities with counselling principles and strengthen her ability to help clients of all ages with the problems that they are facing in their lives.
拥有17项希塔疗愈认证的 Shumei,同时也在新加坡的新跃社科大学就读 Master of Counselling。她希望把辅导原则融入她的疗愈环节里,让她的疗愈能力升华精进。这样一来,她就能更快速,更准确的为各年龄层的个案解决他们困扰已久的问题。
Within the comfortable and open environment of her private one-to-one sessions, her clients are given the chance to freely explore the subconscious beliefs that are no longer helping them and to find out about the lessons that they have to learn in order to move on. Many clients have expressed that they feel strengthened and yet wonderfully light hearted immediately after a private session with her.
在与她一对一的疗愈时,她会敞开心的聆听个案的困扰,让他们在舒适无批判的环境下探讨那些阻碍着他们前进的潜意识信念。当他们在 Shumei 的协助下理解到所需要学习的功课时,他们常常都是觉得如释重负般的轻松并充满着正能量的。
Shumei has the ability to effortlessly tap into her unique gift to help clients communicate with their deceased loved ones, helping them to obtain closure on unresolved issues.
Shumei 有另一个强项,就是协助个案与他们往生的亲人沟通。通常,个案会利用这个机会解决他们未尽事宜的课题并得到安慰。
I had an opportunity for a session with Shumei and she gave a remote healing to my dad that was hospitalized 3 days ago. The same evening, so happened my dad was granted discharge. It’s quite amazing.

Shumei also pointed out that I have Self- punishment. I would create problems in my life to punish myself for the past mistakes and failures. I feel that it’s quite to the right point. I will be doing meditation for letting go and self-forgiveness.

Thank you so much for the session. Short and impactful.

Kevin Liu

Shumei 好厉害,也很亲切!短短的几秒钟就看到我目前的财务问题!整个过程也很轻松,有很快的直接点到我个人3大问题。Shumei帮我做了疗愈也教了我需要怎样自己做简单的自我疗愈法,给了一些建议,来解决我目前的财务问题。真的很感激她,告诉我问题的根本,再次谢谢Shumei!!

Casrene Lim

When I first heard of this healing session, I found it interesting and would like to give it a try (这是我从来没有接触过的东西), thanks to my friend who introduced this to me.

My experience with Shumei was Amazing. The whole session was very comfortable and is beneficial to me. 说真的,我有点大开眼界。只是一次的疗程真的有帮助到我。


Eunice Liew

Contact her for a private healing session to experience her warm healing energy for yourself!

Finding the love for yourself through healing