Finding the love for yourself through healing

Finding the love for yourself through healing

Welcome to Vibing Mystics!

We are a team of happy, mystical healers radiating light from our hearts to yours.

欢迎来到Vibing Mystics, 一个充满欢乐且奇特的疗愈团队。我们由心散发着光和无条件的爱来照亮世界。

Deep within each of us lies the wisdom of our soul and the desire for the greatest expression. Through a divinely inspired action, we have gathered to form an amazing team called “Vibing Mystics”. There is so much joy, laughter, magic and miracles when we come together.

ThetaHealing® had transformed our lives at various junctures of our spiritual path respectively. We have gone through lots of learning and even some unlearning, experiencing awakening, miracles and healing at different levels.

We did not meet in this lifetime by accident. We met because we have the common vision to share our unique gifts and passion to form an international healing community as a soul family to support our promised clients. We endeavour to do our part to change the planet one person at a time, to make the world a better place.

Each of us carry our unique healing style to help those who are facing blocks in their lives. Providing them with much needed nurturing, compassion and understanding, so that they can find the love for themselves through healing and move forward successfully in life with grace and ease.

Are you ready to hear how we can help you to achieve your goals and dreams, or simply to heal your life?

我们每个人的内在深处都潜藏着灵魂的智慧和想要展现灵魂最高潜能的渴望。经由一个神圣启发,我们被召集在一起,组成了这个很棒的团队,“Vibing Mystics”。在这里,我们的相聚充满了欢乐和笑声,魔法和奇迹。






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